香蕉杏仁面包Banana Almond Bread

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    1 Hour
  • Type
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    Step 1

    预热烤箱190℃。Preheat oven to 190℃.

    Step 2

    取一搅拌碗中,先把面粉、盐、泡打粉、肉桂粉和糖混合均匀,再加入牛奶、牛油、鸡蛋、香草精与橙皮。轻轻搅拌混合,最后放入杏仁与香蕉。In a mixing bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon and sugar. Add milk, butter, egg, vanilla and orange rind. Combine lightly, do not overmix. Fold in almonds and bananas.

    Step 3

    取一中型面包模具涂油,撒上适量面粉,将搅拌好的面糊倒入模具中,烘烤40-45分钟至金黄色。拿一支竹签插入面包中心,取出时干净代表已熟。Grease a medium loaf pan and dust with flour, turn out excess flour. Pour mixture into pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes till golden brown. The loaf is cooked when a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

    Step 4

    从烤箱中取出模具放在架上冷却5分钟,用刀子轻轻刮松面包边缘,取出后放置一旁直到完全冷却。Remove from oven, cool for 5 minutes on a wire rack. Run a knife gently around the rim to loosen the loaf. Then remove loaf from tin and cool completely.

    Step 5

    用作早餐可以加牛油搭配茶,若当作甜点则可以添加冰淇淋。Serve with butter for breakfast and tea, or ice cream for a dessert.
